
2 Stories

World's Ugliest Animal Gets Its Most 'Glorious Moment'

Blobfish, aka 'Mr. Blobby,' has been named New Zealand's fish of the year

(Newser) - Psychrolutes marcidus—you've come a long way, baby. The blobfish, a slow-moving, slimy-looking sea creature once deemed the ugliest animal in the world, has just experienced the ultimate redemption arc, ascending the species ladder to be voted New Zealand's favorite fish, reports NBC News . "Mr. Blobby,"...

Behold the 'World's Ugliest Animal' (If You Dare)

Blobfish wins contest to become mascot for conscientious comedy group

(Newser) - It's a perpetually sad-looking, endangered sack of a fish, but the blobfish has reason to rejoice today: it's just been voted the official mascot of the Ugly Animals Preservation Society . The British comedy/conservation group has been holding a public poll to determine the world's ugliest animal, in...

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