
Stories 121 - 140 | << Prev   Next >>

Boris Johnson Gives Most Specific Estimate Yet of Brexit Timeline

Early 2017, he estimates

(Newser) - Britain's exit talks with the European Union will likely start in early 2017 and could take less than the allotted two years, Britain's foreign secretary said Thursday. His comments came after the president of the European Parliament urged Britain to make an early start on the talks, saying...

Britain Cuts Rates to Lowest Since 1694
 Britain Cuts Rates 
 to Lowest Since 1694 

Britain Cuts Rates to Lowest Since 1694

That's when the Bank of England was established

(Newser) - In an attempt to shore up a post- Brexit economy, the Bank of England did something Thursday it hasn't done since 2009: cut interest rates. The rates went from 0.5% to 0.25%, the lowest they've been since the bank's beginnings in 1694, the Atlantic reports....

Monster $32B Tech Deal Came Together in 2 Weeks
Monster $32B Tech Deal Came Together in 2 Weeks

Monster $32B Tech Deal Came Together in 2 Weeks

Sprint parent SoftBank bid for ARM Holdings is its latest move into 'Internet of Things'

(Newser) - SoftBank, owner of Sprint, wants to make further inroads into the "Internet of Things," and it hopes the $32 billion acquisition it just made will help it achieve that end. Per the AP , the Japanese tech company has purchased Britain's ARM Holdings , a firm that designs the...

Brexit Cost Serena Williams Almost $400K

Low British pound affects Wimbledon prize

(Newser) - Serena Williams may be celebrating her 22nd Grand Slam title win at Wimbledon on Saturday, but she's probably cursing Brexit. Had last month's Brexit vote not sent the British pound into a nose dive, Williams' £2 million prize money would have been worth close to $3 million,...

The UK Will Have Its First Female PM Since Thatcher

Last male candidate voted out of the running

(Newser) - Margaret Thatcher was the first, but she'll no longer be the only female prime minister the UK has ever had. Michael Gove has been eliminated from the ballot to become the next Conservative Party leader, leaving Theresa May and Andrea Leadsom as the final two candidates. The winner will...

Top Brexiter Abruptly Makes His Own Exit

Nigel Farage quits as leader of UKIP, leaving UK leadership in more turmoil

(Newser) - The head of the UK Independence Party, Nigel Farage, resigned Monday as party leader, arguing that he's achieved his political ambition of having Britain leave the European Union. Farage was instrumental in the Brexit, reports the AP , championing the issue of immigration. A criticized campaign poster featuring thousands of...

Texas Gov Says No 'Texit,' Tries to Cash in on Brexit

Greg Abbott announces ad buy inviting UK companies to Lone Star state

(Newser) - Texas Gov. Greg Abbott isn't on board with a "Texit," but is seizing a chance to take advantage of Brexit. Abbott announced Saturday the state will run digital ads on British websites over the July 4th weekend urging companies to "declare independence from high taxes" and...

Out of Brexit's Ashes, Could a United Ireland Rise?

Northern Ireland voted against leaving the EU, is now thinking 'the unthinkable'

(Newser) - British politics remain mired in Brexit turmoil , but from the ashes of the UK-EU split a most interesting proposition is starting to emerge: That of a united Ireland, reports Reuters . Like Scotland , Northern Ireland voted against leaving the European Union, with 56% in favor of staying. Now, facing the prospect...

Texas Man in UK for 18 Years Gets Xenophobic Abuse on Tram

And Juan Jasso was also pro-Brexit

(Newser) - A 38-year-old American Army vet who supported Brexit has lived in England for nearly two decades—but three young men decided earlier this week to taunt him with racist, anti-immigration comments in a confrontation that's since gone viral, NBC News reports. Juan Jasso—who's been pegged "Super...

UK Labour Party Leader: I'm Not Going Anywhere

Jeremy Corbyn says he won't resign despite losing confidence vote

(Newser) - British Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn has lost a confidence vote among the party's lawmakers, the AP reports. The vote is non-binding, though, and Corbyn said Tuesday he won't step down as head of the main opposition party. He added that the vote has no constitutional legitimacy and...

EU to UK: No Secret Brexit Talks

 At EU-UK Powwow: 
 Frayed Tempers, Insults 

At EU-UK Powwow: Frayed Tempers, Insults

Brexit leader Nigel Farage tells MEPs they've never had real jobs

(Newser) - Britain needs to negotiate an exit deal with the European Union and it is not going to be the result of cozy backroom deals, European Commission chief Jean-Claude Juncker warned at a special session of the European Parliament on Tuesday. "We cannot allow a long period of uncertainty. There...

The EU Could Lose English, Too
 The EU Could Lose English, Too 
the rundown

The EU Could Lose English, Too

And more Brexit side effects

(Newser) - The UK is set to exit the EU, and the English language may join it. Politico has this steadfast quote from Danuta Hübner, the head of the European Parliament’s Constitutional Affairs Committee: "If we don’t have the UK, we don’t have English." Hübner...

Petition for 2nd Brexit Vote Was 'Hijacked,' Creator Says

More than 3.7M people have signed push for 2nd vote—but 'Leave' creator is balking

(Newser) - Be careful what you wish for—or at least anticipate you might get it before you create a petition. In May, before the Brexit vote took place, "Leave" advocate William Oliver Healey created a petition through government channels, calling for a second EU referendum if certain conditions weren't...

Dow Down 200+ as Markets Wake to Brexit Again

US stocks poised for a 2nd down day

(Newser) - It's Day 2 of the new Brexit reality, at least as far as the markets are concerned, and the Dow started the day down roughly 1%, with the drop hovering around 205 points as of this writing at 17,195 . The S&P 500 and Nasdaq were down roughly...

Brexit Turmoil Is Getting Worse

 UK Flails in 
 Brexit Turmoil 

UK Flails in Deepening Brexit Turmoil

EU leaders are holding emergency talks

(Newser) - The UK remains in disarray after last week's Brexit vote, with the pound continuing to slump, chaos at the top of both main political parties, and widespread confusion over what leaving the European Union is going to involve. Top figures in the ruling Conservative Party have been jockeying for...

John Oliver Goes on NSFW Rant After Brexit Vote

'There are no f---ing do-overs,' he warns Trump-enamored America

(Newser) - Thursday's Brexit vote is over and done, and John Oliver, who last week tried to give America (and his fellow Brits) an education on why Brexit would be a "huge destabilizing decision," took to Last Week Tonight on Sunday to discuss Britain's defection—and his reaction...

Pope: Christians Should Apologize for Offending Gays

He also thinks Brexit was a mistake

(Newser) - It was quintessential Pope Francis: On a plane journey back from a foreign trip on Sunday, the pontiff made a statement that once would have been considered jaw-droppingly radical. In a response to a reporter's question, Francis said the church should apologize for offending and discriminating against gays over...

In Wake of Brexit, Scotland Threatens Revolt

Nicola Sturgeon says parliament could block exit from EU, new independence vote likely

(Newser) - The Brexit continues to reverberate : As a wave of British MPs stepped down Sunday over the vote to leave the European Union, Scotland's First Minister says Britain could be leaving by itself—and Nicola Sturgeon is putting her money where her mouth is, saying "of course" she's...

EU Wants UK to Get Out Fast
 EU Wants UK to Get Out Fast 

EU Wants UK to Get Out Fast

In Britain, more than 1.5M sign petition for new referendum

(Newser) - Now that Britain has voted to leave the European Union , EU leaders don't see any point in dragging things out. Foreign ministers from the bloc's six founding nations held an emergency meeting in Berlin Saturday and urged Britain to trigger Article 50 as soon as possible instead of...

The UK Just Flipped the Whole World the Bird

Most reaction is ... strong

(Newser) - In what Annie Lowrey describes for New York as "Britain's middle finger to the world," Brexit is going forward and the UK will be leaving the European Union. And with that vote, "England just screwed us all," writes Felix Salmon for Fusion , lamenting the "...

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