
12 Stories

To Feel Better, Take the Smart Out of Smartphone
To Feel Better, Take the
Smart Out of Smartphone

To Feel Better, Take the Smart Out of Smartphone

2-week break from mobile internet boosts well-being, mental health, researchers say

(Newser) - Researchers say you can improve your mental health, well-being, and attention span in just two weeks. All you have to do is get off mobile internet. Adrian Ward, a 38-year-old psychologist at the University of Texas at Austin, decided to study what it would be like to return to the...

When It Comes to Wealth, There's No 'Happiness Plateau'

Money does indeed buy happiness, and the more, the better, per new research

(Newser) - "Does money buy happiness?" is one of our most-asked existential questions, and not only does Matt Killingsworth believe the answer is a resounding "yes"—he says the more you have, the happier you may be. According to new research by the senior fellow at UPenn's Wharton...

You Have More Control Over Your Happiness Than You Know
You Have More Control Over
Your Happiness Than You Know

You Have More Control Over Your Happiness Than You Know

Making time for joy linked to greater well-being, less stress, better relationships

(Newser) - At the start of a week, survey participants were asked how much they agree with the statement, "I have felt able to impact, influence, or play an active role in how happy I generally feel." A week later, they were asked the same question, and the difference was...

How Acts of Kindness Help Heal Depression
How Acts of Kindness
Help Heal Depression

How Acts of Kindness Help Heal Depression

Unlike some therapeutic techniques, it relieves symptoms and boosts social connection: study

(Newser) - People experiencing symptoms of anxiety or depression will likely feel better in performing acts of kindness for others, which distract from their own feelings, new research shows. "Social connection is one of the ingredients of life most strongly associated with well-being," study co-author David Cregg, a PhD candidate...

What Brings Meaning to Life? Depends Who's Weighing In

Faith is a most popular response in the US, but nowhere else

(Newser) - Try not to underappreciate your family this Thanksgiving. According to Pew Research Center , family is the No. 1 source of meaning among 18,850 adults in 17 advanced economies, who were asked between February and May to rank 17 possible sources of meaning in their lives. Family was the top...

2 Hours a Week in Nature May Pay Benefits
Here's How Long
You Should
Spend in Nature

Here's How Long You Should Spend in Nature

2 hours a week appears to bring health benefits, say researchers

(Newser) - If you've noticed you feel better after spending time communing with Mother Nature, you're not imagining it, say researchers—and there's a sweet spot in terms of what amount of time confers the most benefits. Figure about two hours a week. Time spent outside has been tied...

US Sets Record for Decline in Well-Being

Americans in 21 states had rough 2017

(Newser) - America's well-being took a serious hit in 2017, Live Science reports. Gallup-Sharecare has been conducting a well-being poll of US residents for a decade, and for the first-time ever no state's well-being increased from the previous year. In fact, 21 states saw their well-being decline between 2016 and...

It's True: Power Naps Boost Happiness
Searching for
Try Napping 

Searching for Happiness? Try Napping

Limit your snooze to 30 minutes or less

(Newser) - Can napping make you happier? New research out of Britain shows power napping can do exactly that. But limit those daytime siestas to a half-hour or less. After that, the positive effects cease. "Previous research has shown that naps of under 30 minutes make you more focused, productive, and...

5 Best, 5 Worst US Cities for Well-Being

Naples is the place to be

(Newser) - Perhaps there's something in the water in Naples. The Florida city has the best well-being score in the country for the second year in a row, according to Gallup , which conducted more than 354,000 interviews with US residents over a two-year period ending Dec. 30, 2016. It then...

Another Hangover to Worry About
Another Hangover
to Worry About

Another Hangover to Worry About

'Emotional hangovers' can shape future memories, study shows

(Newser) - With more holiday revelry looming, the last thing we need to worry about is another type of hangover. But odds are we've already experienced a phenomenom called "emotional hangover." That's the name neuroscientists have given to that heartsick feeling that trails painful experiences or the euphoria...

One More Health Concern: Belief in Miracles
One More Health Concern:
Belief in Miracles
study says

One More Health Concern: Belief in Miracles

Study: Believing in divine intervention can backfire in a bad way

(Newser) - Is it dangerous to believe in miracles? Yes, when it comes to matters of health, the Washington Post reports. A new study found that people who put their fate in the hands of God were less likely to seek treatment or pursue healthy options that could forestall illness, such as...

For Women, Sex Gets Better With Age
For Women, Sex
Gets Better With Age
study says

For Women, Sex Gets Better With Age

'We were surprised,' say researchers after survey of middle-aged females

(Newser) - Women who have heard for years that they face a declining sex life can take heart in new research that says sex gets better with age. University of Pittsburgh researchers found that while the frequency of sex declines, the quality makes up for it. “We were surprised to find...

12 Stories
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