Hillary Clinton

Read the latest news about former Secretary of State and First Lady Hillary Clinton on Newser.com

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Bolting Clinton Fans? It's a GOP Myth
 Bolting Clinton Fans?
 It's a GOP Myth  

Bolting Clinton Fans? It's a GOP Myth

Democratic unity flies in face of GOP & media storyline

(Newser) - John McCain's aggressive courtship of Hillary Clinton's female supporters shouldn't surprise anyone who's been paying attention, Frank Rich writes in the New York Times. "The fictional scenario of mobs of crazed women defecting to Mr. McCain" rather than Barack Obama fits right in with the "new bogus narrative"...

Buffalo Boy Made Good
 Buffalo Boy Made Good 

Buffalo Boy Made Good

Tim Russert is remembered today by friend and foe alike

(Newser) - Tim Russert, who died today at age 58, was "possibly America's most influential political journalist," James Poniewozik writes in Time. His no-nonsense style was informed by a Jesuit education in working class Buffalo—but not all appreciated his "gotcha," visceral style of questioning. Yet "his...

Sexism? Media Disagree With Clinton Backers
Sexism? Media Disagree With Clinton Backers

Sexism? Media Disagree With Clinton Backers

Hillary's supporters cry foul, but news world pleads innocence

(Newser) - Now that Hillary Clinton has suspended her presidential campaign, her most ardent supporters are hitting out at television news, proposing boycotts and setting up websites in response to allegedly sexist coverage. But as the New York Times reports, many in the media see little evidence of sexism. Rather, they accuse...

Campaign Debt? What Campaign Debt?
Campaign Debt? What Campaign Debt?

Campaign Debt? What Campaign Debt?

Clever accounting could leave Clinton cash to play kingmaker

(Newser) - Some clever and mostly legal accounting tricks could minimize Clinton's big campaign debt and leave her with cash on hand for king-making or another future campaign, reports Politico. Hillary could reclassify her own loans to the campaign as contributions, ask donors to redirect their cash to her Senate campaign, and...

How About a Sex Speech, Obama?
How About a Sex Speech, Obama?

How About a Sex Speech, Obama?

Candidate should do for gender what he did for race

(Newser) -  It’s a shame that Hillary Clinton never gave a speech about gender to match Barack Obama’s speech about race, writes Nicholas Kristof of the New York Times. So why not make that speech yourself, Barack? Kristof even has the talking points for you:
  • Racism is deeper, but

Clinton Hit List Is Talk of the Beltway

Wounds not healing quickly

(Newser) - Wounds from Election 2008 aren’t quickly being papered over in Clintonland, the New York Times reports in a speculative piece about who is likely to be on the former first couple's enemies list. How deep will animosity toward Obama boosters Bill Richardson, Jim Clyburn, and Claire McCaskill run? Use...

Obama's VP Search Fields a General
Obama's VP Search Fields
a General

Obama's VP Search Fields a General

James Jones, retired NATO honcho, surfaces in Hill talks

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s VP selection team had a busy couple of days on Capitol Hill, talking up possible running mates with legislators. A new name in the mix is that of retired Gen. James Jones, MSNBC reports. Joe Biden and Ohio governor Ted Strickland also came under scrutiny; Bill Richardson,...

Hillary's Next Challenge: Paying Bills

Candidate ends race with record debt

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton's White House bid made history—by ending with what is believed to be the largest presidential campaign debt ever. The New York senator had approximately $9.5 million in unpaid bills at the end of April, not to mention $11.4 of her own money that she lent...

Campaign Tarnishes Clintons' Legacy

Divisive tactics take shine off long-time winners

(Newser) - Hillary and Bill Clinton have led complicated public lives, but they’ve always been winners. Now Hillary’s defeat has jeopardized that legacy, thanks to a campaign that saw her repeatedly stretch the truth, invoke assassination, and lose African-American support. It’s one thing to employ questionable tactics and win,...

Obama-Clinton a 'Winning Ticket,' Says Feinstein

Senator won't tell Obama what to do, but Hill 'had popular vote'

(Newser) - Her candidate may have lost the Democratic nomination, but Dianne Feinstein is still dreaming of the dream ticket, Politico reports. Although she conceeds that "nobody else can tell" Barack Obama what to do, Feinstein today reiterated on ABC's "This Week" the Clinton campaign's longtime assertion that it won...

How She Came Undone
 How She Came Undone 

How She Came Undone

Clinton's campaign undermined by internal rancor, pushy spouse

(Newser) - Bill Clinton’s interfering tenacity and squabbling aides killed Hillary Clinton’s chances to win the White House, the New York Times eulogizes in an obituary of the campaign that once seemed indestructible. “Hers was the campaign of destiny, a back-to-the-future effort to restore the Democratic dynasty of the...

Clinton's Parting Draws Tears and Jeers
 Clinton's Parting 
 Draws Tears and Jeers 

Clinton's Parting Draws Tears and Jeers

Hillary finally notes historic feat in moving farewell

(Newser) - An emotional audience packed the National Building Museum to watch Hillary Clinton exit the campaign with a speech that finally addressed the historic nature of her candidacy, Dana Milbank writes in the Washington Post. Some in the largely female audience wept as she spoke; some booed at the mention of...

Clintons' Dream Has Finally Died
 Clintons' Dream Has Finally Died 

Clintons' Dream Has Finally Died

Hillary will now learn from Gore, a man she never liked

(Newser) - Bill and Hillary Clinton will stay on the political scene, but today marked the end of an era for America’s top power couple, John Harris writes in Politico. The Clintons have spent nearly 40 years fixated on the White House—it was the organizing principle of their lives together—...

Clinton Offers 'Full Support' for Obama

She suspends campaign, asks supporters to rally behind Barack

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton today ended her 16-month campaign for the presidency and threw her "full support" behind Barack Obama, the New York Times reports. She urged her supporters to unite behind him. Clinton vowed to continue working on her key issues, in particular to shatter the glass ceiling for women....

Clinton, Obama Laughing as They Part

Pair have 'positive' talk; Hillary will endorse him today

(Newser) - Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton were laughing together after a private hourlong meeting at a Senate colleague's home, reports the AP. California Sen. Dianne Feinstein said the pair chatted away in her living room late Thursday in a "positive" head-to-head, their first since Obama clinched the nomination. Clinton is...

Dems Work to Fuse Fundraising Machines

Two campaigns set to become one as Clinton bows out

(Newser) - The Obama and Clinton campaigns have been working to merge their fundraising machines as Clinton prepares her swan song today, the Wall Street Journal reports. Clinton made a call to her top 50 fundraisers, urging them to get behind Obama and promising a private meeting with the presumed nominee. The...

Noonan to Dems: You Dodged a Bullet
Noonan to Dems:
You Dodged a Bullet

Noonan to Dems: You Dodged a Bullet

And deep-sixed a hopeful who brings lies, drama, and scandal

(Newser) - Hooray, Democrats! You dumped Hillary Clinton, not for her positions, or because you were sexist, but over her "essential nature," Peggy Noonan writes in the Wall Street Journal. Another Clinton White House would have meant lies, scandal, drama, and "the sheer, daily madness that is her, and...

Ethnic Media Proud of, Cautious About Candidate
Ethnic Media Proud of, Cautious About Candidate

Ethnic Media Proud of, Cautious About Candidate

A step for diversity, all agree, but will he show minorities the love?

(Newser) - Ethnic media outlets are lauding Barack Obama's victory as a step for all minorities, but they're also holding him at arm’s length, waiting for personal attention. “The White House may not be a house for whites anymore,” said Korea Daily. Indeed, American minorities say glass ceilings broken...

Clinton Took to Heart Blunt Talk From Friends

Rangel, Frank among those who finally swayed her to pull the plug

(Newser) - For Hillary Clinton, it was the candor of longtime supporters such as Charlie Rangel and Barney Frank that told her it was time to go. Politico offers more details from Clinton's conference call with House members, which began with deference but ultimately spelled out the political reality in blunt terms....

McCain Targets Disgruntled Clinton Voters

Can GOP candidate make like Reagan, reverse partisan trend?

(Newser) - John McCain sees his path to the White House lined with Hillary Clinton supporters. Up to 28% of Clinton backers have told pollsters they’ll defect to the GOP now that Barack Obama has clinched the nomination, the Washington Post reports, so McCain is targeting them, calling Clinton a “...

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