Albert Einstein

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iPad App Gives You Access to... Einstein's Brain

Scanned images available for researchers and regular people alike

(Newser) - Want a look at Einstein's brain? For $9.99 it's yours, as long as you have an iPad. A new application launched today includes detailed scans of the genius' brain: After he died, his brain was removed, sliced up, and turned into almost 350 slides, and a medical...

Experiment Proves Einstein Right About Universe

It's expanding just how he said it should

(Newser) - A new experiment has proven another of Einstein's theories to be right on the money. Einstein's general theory of relativity predicts the speed at which galaxies move toward each other and the rate at which the universe is expanding. A team of cosmologists recently measured a slice of...

New Einstein Archive Busts 'Bad Student' Myth

2K documents, including equation manuscript, of 80K available so far

(Newser) - Albert Einstein fans can now get a deeper look into his life thanks to the Einstein Archives Online, which debuted yesterday. Some 2,000 documents are currently available, including Einstein's high school certification, a manuscript with the E=mc2 equation written by Einstein, his 1921 Nobel Prize for Physics, and...

Einstein Safe: Neutrinos Do Not Break Light Speed

New experiment shows particles at identical speed with light

(Newser) - Einstein's theory apparently remains untouchable, and flabbergasted theoretical physicists can cease hyperventilating: Neutrinos do not exceed the speed of light, but they do appear to travel at the same speed as light, according to the results of a recent experiment. The new data confirm Einstein's foundational ideas and...

Einstein Wrong? Maybe Just Faulty Wiring

A simple loose cord may explain last year's controversy

(Newser) - More evidence that last year's furor over the accuracy of Albert Einstein's work got blown way out of proportion: Physicists believed they'd seen particles traveling faster than light , a phenomenon that would disprove the theory of relativity. But the controversial observations may have been the result of...

Faster-Than-Light Findings All Wrong: New Study

Scientists refute labmates' shocking results

(Newser) - The scientists who said they recorded particles traveling faster than light in September —and then confirmed their own findings last week —have it wrong, international scientists in Italy say. The ICARUS project, based in the same laboratory as the OPERA experiment, argued that if the particles had traveled...

Einstein Theory of Relativity Challenge by New Finding

 It Might 
 Be Wrong 
in case you missed it

E=MC2: It Might Be Wrong

Physicists report neutrinos traveling faster than light

(Newser) - It's enough to make Einstein's hair stand up: Physicists at CERN think they've spotted neutrinos traveling faster than light, reports AP . According to Einstein's special theory of relativity—his E=MC2 equation—nothing should be able to go that fast. At Wired , Adrian Cho doesn't mince...

Scientists: Time Travel Impossible

Researchers prove nothing can violate the 'traffic laws' of the universe

(Newser) - Wait, so Bill And Ted's Bogus Journey is suddenly implausible? A group of Hong Kong University of Science and Technology physicists say they've proven that time travel is physically impossible, reports Discovery News . They demonstrated that a single photon obeys Einstein's theory that nothing can travel faster...

Family Fined $750K for Fire That Burned Einstein Papers

Wildfire started by fire in metal barrel burned 48K acres in addition to papers

(Newser) - It’s safe to say that Margaret Pavese had no idea she would start a wildfire nearly twice the size of San Francisco when she left a trash fire burning in a metal barrel in 2007—a California wildfire that also burned rare papers written by Albert Einstein, the San ...

$750M Later, Einstein Proven Right

 $750M Later, Einstein 
 Proven Right 
in case you missed it

$750M Later, Einstein Proven Right

NASA's Gravity Probe B vindicates predictions about warping of space, time

(Newser) - Einstein was right: Observations from NASA’s Gravity Probe B have confirmed that the Earth really does warp time and space around it. The probe contained four perfectly engineered gyroscopes, and took incredibly precise measurements of their spin axes, expecting the curve of space-time around the Earth to cause predictable...

Einstein Grandkid Seeks Bobblehead Profits

University sucking up millions in tchotchkes, not sharing

(Newser) - There's nothing relative about it: Albert Einstein's granddaughter is sick and tired of being cut out of the profits from postcards, Halloween masks, and crazy-haired bobblehead dolls of the famous genius. Einstein left the literary rights to more than 75,000 papers and other items to the Hebrew University of...

Team Proves Einstein's Relativity Affects Aging

Gravity's effect on time means your hair is aging faster than your feet

(Newser) - People age faster—very, very slightly faster—the higher above ground they live, according to scientists testing Einstein's theory of relativity. Researchers using ultra-precise atomic clocks found that time, as Einstein predicted, is slowed down by gravity even over minuscule distances. The scientists found that just moving a couple of...

Gravity Doesn't Exist: Physics Prof

String theorist shakes up 300 years of science

(Newser) - Anyone who's ever seen a ball drop knows it's obvious that gravity exists—right? Not so fast, says a prominent string theorist who has called into question 300 years of science with a new paper arguing that gravity is merely an illusion. Dutch physicist Erik Verlinde says gravity is not...

The Strange Odyssey of Einstein's Stolen Brain

And the breakthrough it led to

(Newser) - When Thomas Harvey performed Albert Einstein's autopsy, he removed his brain, which was standard procedure. But what he did next wasn't standard at all: He put the brain in a jar of formaldehyde and made off with it. NPR relates the strange tale in a segment this morning. Harvey said...

Massive Space Mission to Test Einstein Theory

Three ships to fire lasers at each other near sun

(Newser) - NASA and the European Space Agency are preparing to shoot three spacecraft into orbit around the sun and have them fire laser beams at each other, in an attempt to detect gravitational waves—the last unproven piece of Albert Einstein's General Theory of Relativity. They're calling the whole thing the...

Weird Facts About the Hadron Collider

It's both unimaginably hot and unimaginably cold

(Newser) - Now that the Large Hadron Collider is up and running again, Ross Bonander of AskMen unearths 5 scientific tidbits:
  • It's really, really cold: The system's magnets are cooled to -456°F, a bit chillier than deep outer space.
  • It's really, really hot: After those magnets do their stuff, the resulting

Highest Earning Dead Celebs
 Highest Earning Dead Celebs 

Highest Earning Dead Celebs

Michael Jackson, predictably, made the list—but not at No. 1

(Newser) - The stars on Forbes ' annual list of the top-earning dead celebrities number, appropriately, 13. To make the list, a "deleb" must have brought in at least $6 million in the past year. This year's list is notably missing former mainstays Marilyn Monroe, James Dean, and Steve McQueen, and...

Iconic Einstein Pic Fetches $74K
 Iconic Einstein Pic Fetches $74K

Iconic Einstein Pic Fetches $74K

Iconic image beats the record for a photo of the physicist

(Newser) - An iconic image of a tongue-wagging Albert Einstein went for $74K at a New Hampshire auction, reports WCVB Boston. The photo is from a 1951 birthday celebration for the physicist at Princeton University. While Einstein may look playful in the picture, he intended the irreverent image as a statement against...

Einstein Called Faith 'Childish Superstition'

1954 letter, headed for auction, sheds new light on scientist's view

(Newser) - A relatively unknown letter by Albert Einstein, offered at auction Thursday in London, offers new details on the scientist's tangled relationship with religion, the Guardian reports. While believers often consider Einstein a scientist who maintained his religious faith, the 1954 letter calls the Bible "primitive legends," and "...

Laws of Physics May Need an Overhaul

Scientists detect gravity-defying behavior of spacecrafts

(Newser) - The laws of physics just might be broken. Scientists have detected gravity-defying behavior from spacecrafts flung around the Earth, the Economist reports. Five different spacecrafts picked up speed at a pace deviating,ever so slightly, from the laws created by Newton and Einstein. After laborious calculations, astronomers have created a...

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