sleep deprivation

Stories 61 - 75 | << Prev 

A Good Night's Sleep Shores Up Memory

8 hours of shut-eye helps brain function the next day, study suggests

(Newser) - Nothing improves memory like a little shut-eye, a new study suggests. Researchers taught new information and skills to two groups of patients, and allowed one to sleep normally while giving the other none or only a nap. The sleepers tested better the next day–and scans revealed enhanced brain activity...

Erratic Sleepers Have More Health Problems: Study

Short, long hours of shuteye increase odds of smoking, obesity

(Newser) - Irregular sleep habits increase the likelihood of obesity and smoking, the AP reports. The CDC surveyed 87,000 Americans over 2 years and found that individuals who sleep fewer than 6 hours a night or more than 9 were 5% to 10% more likely to smoke and 4% to 11%...

Baby Zzzs Linked to Obesity
 Baby Zzzs Linked to Obesity 

Baby Zzzs Linked to Obesity

Also tied to behavioral problems

(Newser) - Babies who get less than 12 hours of shut-eye a day double their risk of being overweight by the time they're 3 years old, a new study finds. The risk is even higher for little ones who watch two hours of TV a day, the Daily Telegraph reports. If habits...

Separate Beds: the Key to Happy Marriage?

Sleep disturbance is hard on love, researches say

(Newser) - Looking for lengthy love? It may be time to sleep single. More couples are opting for separate beds, and 60% of custom-built homes in the UK will have dual master bedrooms by 2015, the London Times reports. Many in modern times consider separate beds the end of love, but in...

Are We Getting More Zzzs? Experts Have to Sleep on It

Surveys differ on whether Americans get enough sleep

(Newser) - Americans slept more in 2005 than in 2000, according to a new study that counters claims of widespread sleep-deprivation. Yanks averaged 59 weekly hours of sleep in 2005, up from 56 hours in 2000, say University of Maryland researchers using Census data that account for every minute of the day....

US Makes Canadian Torture List
US Makes Canadian Torture List

US Makes Canadian Torture List

'Torture awareness' manual for diplomats includes US, Syria, Israel, Iran

(Newser) - The US, along with China, Syria, Iran, Afghanistan, and Israel, is listed in an official Canadian foreign ministry document of countries where prisoners are at risk of torture, the BBC reports. The "torture awareness" training manual classifies as torture some US interrogation techniques, including forced nudity, isolation, and sleep...

Iowa Keeps Candidates Awake at Night

24/7 campaigns have made for a raft of fatigue-induced gaffes

(Newser) - Fatigue has officially taken hold in Iowa, and not just for voters. “I won’t remember Iowans,” a sleep-deprived Mitt Romney said recently (he meant “I’ll never forget”), while Mike Huckabee offered “apologies” over Benazir Bhutto’s death (he’s not a suspect), and...

Poor Sleep Linked to Diabetes
Poor Sleep Linked
to Diabetes

Poor Sleep Linked to Diabetes

Tired bodies have trouble regulating blood sugar, research shows

(Newser) - Poor sleep may lead to weight gain and diabetes, according to new research. After only 3 nights of light sleep, healthy people lost their ability to process sugar by 23%, perhaps explaining why many diabetics also have sleep disorders, ABC News reports. Although the survey sample was small, it casts...

Nasal Spray May Beat Caffeine
Nasal Spray
May Beat Caffeine

Nasal Spray May Beat Caffeine

In tests, hormone erases effects of too little shut-eye

(Newser) - Help may be on the way for tired Americans in the form of a nasal spray that eliminates sleepiness without apparent side effects, reports Wired. UCLA scientists testing the naturally occurring brain hormone orexin A found that when used as a spray, it allowed sleep-deprived monkeys to perform as well...

Tired Pilots Wake Up Just in Time to Land Red-Eye

2004 incident comes to light during Congressional hearing

(Newser) - Two commercial pilots—one of whom had flown three straights nights—fell asleep on a red-eye flight from Baltimore to Denver in 2004 but woke up just in time to land safely, the Rocky Mountain News reports. The plane was coming in much too fast and high, but the captain...

Lack of Sleep Doubles Risk of Heart Disease

Researchers suspect link between blood pressure, fewer Zs

(Newser) - Getting 7 hours of sleep a night is best, and people who consistently sleep less are risking their lives, a new study says. Researchers followed 10,000 civil servants for 17 years and found that those who reduced their sleep from 7 hours a night to 5 or less doubled...

Yawning Gap in Sleep Time Linked to Work, Cell Phones

Study also finds preschoolers with less sleep are more hyperactive

(Newser) - Cell phones and long work hours are the biggest thieves of sleep, according to new studies in the journal Sleep. People who slept 4.5 hours or less per night worked about 1.5 hours more per weekday and nearly two hours more on weekends, researchers found. Almost two-thirds of...

Web, TV Cut Sleep Quality
Web, TV Cut Sleep Quality

Web, TV Cut Sleep Quality

Heavy users say they get fewer z's, even when they don't, survey finds

(Newser) - Watching TV or surfing the web before bed can reduce the quality of sleep, a Japanese study has found. Reuters reports that people who unglue themselves from the screen before hitting the sheets reported less sleep, even though they sleep as much as the less addicted.

Psychologists Won't Impose Gitmo Ban

Group votes to list interrogation techniques it won't help with

(Newser) - The American Psychological Association has voted not to ban members from assisting with interrogations at Guantanamo and other military prisons, the San Francisco Chronicle reports. Instead, the group approved a measure listing specific procedures members won't help with, including sleep deprivation and water-boarding. "If we remove psychologists from these...

Shrinks Fault CIA Torture Tactics
Shrinks Fault CIA Torture Tactics

Shrinks Fault CIA Torture Tactics

Professional group to condemn interrogation techniques

(Newser) - The American Psychological Association, long chummy with the CIA, is set to condemn tactics the spy agency has been using to interrogate terror detainees, writes Salon. Members have in the past worked with the CIA to design techniques: now the group wants to distance itself by formally opposing a long...

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