
Stories 61 - 80 | << Prev   Next >>

Second Strong Quake Rattles Guatemala

6.1 quake causes panic

(Newser) - Guatemala has been hit by 6.1 magnitude earthquake, less than a week after a 7.2 quake killed at least 52 people and made thousands of people homeless. There have been no immediate reports of deaths or major damage, but the latest temblor caused widespread panic and was felt...

7.4 Quake Hits Off Guatemala, 39 Dead

Buildings shake as far away as Mexico City

(Newser) - At least 39 people died in Guatemala today after a mighty 7.4-magnitude quake struck just off the coast. President Otto Perez Molina declared a state of emergency, urging people to evacuate tall buildings, the BBC reports. The quake hit about 15 miles southwest of Champerico at a depth of...

Archaeologists Find Maya Warrior Queen

 Find Maya 

Archaeologists Find Maya Warrior Queen

Meet the 'Lady Snake Lord'

(Newser) - Archaeologists in Guatemala think they've found the resting place of an ancient Maya warrior queen with the awesome nickname of Lady Snake Lord, reports the National Geographic . Her more formal name was Lady K'abel, and she ruled for 20 years in the late 7th century. A slew of...

Thousands Flee Guatemala's 'Volcano of Fire'

'It sounded like a pressure cooker that wouldn't stop,' evacuee says

(Newser) - More than 10,000 people fled their homes yesterday after Guatemala's Volcan del Fuego—"Volcano of Fire"—blew its top, spewing ash over a wide area and hurling burning rocks thousands of feet in the air, reports the BBC . The tourist center of Antigua, just six miles...

US Soccer Team Sorry for Snubbing Troops

They ignored welcoming party in Guatemala

(Newser) - The US soccer team has apologized for completely ignoring American troops who gathered on the tarmac at an airport in Guatemala to welcome them to the country. The team, headed for a World Cup qualifier, walked straight past the lines of troops without a word. Some of the service members,...

Sea Shepherd Founder Arrested

Paul Watson faces charges in decade-old incident

(Newser) - A leading anti-whaling activist has been arrested in Germany. Paul Watson, founder of Sea Shepherd, was busted on Saturday over a 2002 clash with a Costa Rican "illegal shark finning operation" off Guatemala, the group says in a statement. The group says the warrant is tied to an "...

Phew! This Mayan Calendar Doesn't Stop at 2012

We've got thousands of years left, according to new discovery

(Newser) - Everybody can calm down now: Looks like the Mayans didn't think the world would end this year after all. Researchers have discovered astronomical calculations on the wall of an ancient Mayan site that suggest "dates thousands of years beyond" 2012, reports National Geographic . The find came at the...

Guatemala Prez: Regulate the 'War on Drugs' to Death

Pérez Molina says experience proves drugs health issue, not criminal

(Newser) - Guatemala's President Otto Pérez Molina, due to his old job as head of intelligence services of the army, has been at the forefront of his country's drug war for more than 20 years. But despite "decades of big arrests and the seizure of tons of drugs,...

Violence-Torn Guatemala's Solution: Legalize Drugs?

President Otto Perez Molina to discuss idea with Central American leaders

(Newser) - New Guatemalan President Otto Perez Molina came to power promising a "firm hand" against his country's worsening drug trafficking problems. But yesterday, Perez showed his hand, to some surprise: He called for drug legalization, not just in Guatemala but around Central America, reports the LA Times . "We'...

Peace Corps Pulls Out of Bloody Honduras

And it won't send new recruits to El Salvador, Guatemala

(Newser) - Life in Honduras is no walk in the park: The country sees some 20 homicides daily, giving it the unfortunate title of Central America's most dangerous country. And so the Peace Corps has decided to pull out. Though it says the 158 volunteers it has in the country are...

Heavy Rain Hammering Coffee Crops

Price climbs amid continued bad weather in Central America

(Newser) - As Central America is battered by downpours, the weather is taking a heavy toll on the region’s coffee growers. With the harvest about to begin, wind is knocking leaves off coffee trees, leaving unripe berries unprotected. Ripe berries are ruined by landing on soaking ground. Soon, your morning cup...

Earthquakes Kill 1, Shake Buildings in Guatemala

Two quakes hit in half an hour

(Newser) - Two earthquakes rattled buildings and killed one person in a landslide in southern Guatemala today, the Buenos Aires Herald reports. An initial 4.8 quake struck the sugar cane-growing area near Santa Rosa, followed by a 5.8 temblor about a half-hour later. "There is one dead in Cuilapa,...

US Infected Thousands of Guatemalans With STDs

Earlier reports said hundreds were victims

(Newser) - Earlier reports said hundreds of Guatemalans were victims of horrifying US experiments involving STDs; in fact, the number of people infected during the 1940s study may be closer to 2,500 , Guatemalan medical authorities say. A US report this week said that around 1,300 were deliberately infected with STDs...

US Airs Horrific Details of Guatemalan STD Studies
US Airs Horrific Details of Guatemalan
STD Studies

US Airs Horrific Details of Guatemalan STD Studies

Researchers knew study was unethical

(Newser) - When US government researchers conducted STD studies on Indiana prisoners in 1943-1944, they asked for volunteers and told them they'd be infected. When they experimented on Guatemalans a few years later, they were not nearly so scrupulous, according to the Washington Post . Doctors brought infected prostitutes to unwitting inmates...

Guatemala Sentences Ex-Soldiers to 6K Years

Four convicted of massacring villagers in 1982

(Newser) - A Guatemalan court has sentenced four former soldiers to more than 6,000 years each for the 1982 massacre of 201 men, women, and children. The conviction is the first for a massacre during the country's 36-year civil war, in which nearly a quarter of a million people were...

27 Farmworkers Beheaded in Guatemala

Police link killings to Mexican drug cartels

(Newser) - Some 200 gunmen yesterday morning attacked the workers on a small Guatemalan coconut farm on the Mexico border, decapitating 25 men and two women, reports the Los Angeles Times . Authorities do not have a motive, although they suspect the massacre could be related to the killing of a man linked...

Guatemala's First Couple Divorcing... wife can dodge constitution and run for Alvaro Colom's seat

(Newser) - Guatemala's first couple appear to be trying to keep power in the family—by splitting up the family. President Alvaro Colom and wife Sandra Torres de Colom have filed for divorce "by mutual consent" to allow her to stand for election this fall to replace him, the Telegraph reports....

US Faces Suit for Infecting Guatemalans With Syphilis

Lawyers representing some of 700 victims seeking settlement

(Newser) - A class action suit representing some of the 700 men deliberately infected with syphilis by the US government will be filed tomorrow unless the feds come up with an acceptable settlement, plaintiffs' lawyers warned. The US intentionally affected victims from 1946-48 to study the effects of the disease. The Obama...

7 Awful Medical Experiments
 7 Cruel Medical 

7 Cruel Medical Experiments

Guatemala STD testing is only the latest to come to light

(Newser) - The US scheme to infect Guatemalans with STDs in the 1940s is far from the only ethically challenged experiment in medical annals. LiveScience rounds up 6 more of the worst:
  • Tuskegee: The granddaddy of such lapses. The US studied the progression of syphilis in 399 black men from 1932 to

US Intentionally Infected Guatemalans With STDs

Hillary Clinton, Kathleen Sebelius apologize for horrific 1940s experiment

(Newser) - Hundreds of Guatemalans were intentionally infected with gonorrhea and syphilis by US government medical researchers as part of a 1946-1948 study—even worse, it was done without their knowledge or consent, and many were encouraged to pass the STDs on. About one-third of the 696 infected subjects, who included institutionalized...

Stories 61 - 80 | << Prev   Next >>