super PACs

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Gingrich Threatens to Sue Over Attack Ad

Campaign warns TV stations not to air super PAC spot

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich's campaign is threatening to sue Michigan TV stations that air a negative ad accusing him of supporting China's "one-child" policy, reports Politico . The mud in this case is being flung by the pro-Romney super PAC Restore Our Future, and it alleges that 1989 legislation sponsored...

Gingrich to Get $10M From Billionaire Backer

Sheldon Adelson will write another big check to super PAC

(Newser) - It's good news for Newt Gingrich—and maybe Mitt Romney: Casino mogul Sheldon Adelson will fork over at least $10 million more to the pro-Gingrich super PAC Winning Our Future, a source tells CBS News . That about doubles the family's contribution to the super PAC, whose barrage of...

Newt's Billionaire Backer Out to Beat Santorum

Sheldon Adelson is fine with Mitt Romney as nominee: Wall Street Journal

(Newser) - Sheldon Adelson is considering dropping another massive pile of cash into Newt Gingrich's super PAC—but he's doing it in part because he thinks it will help Mitt Romney, sources tell the Wall Street Journal . The billionaire casino mogul thinks that keeping Gingrich in the race will draw...

Stop the Billionaires: Amend the Constitution
Stop the Billionaires:
Amend the Constitution

Stop the Billionaires: Amend the Constitution

Jonathan Alter: Citizens United, super PACs killing our democracy

(Newser) - To Jonathan Alter, it's already clear that the 2012 presidential election will be "one of the most corrupt in US history." It's all thanks to Citizens United, the court ruling that allows a "tiny group of billionaires"—the current crop includes Sheldon Adelson , the...

Nancy Pelosi Lobs Attack Ad at Colbert

Joke ad meant to drum up DISCLOSE Act support

(Newser) - Nancy Pelosi is trying to drum up support for the long-languishing DISCLOSE Act, and she's found the perfect foil: Stephen Colbert. "Stephen Colbert used to be my friend," she says in a new YouTube ad. "But since the day he started his super PAC, taking secret...

Romney Copies Obama's Super PAC Strategy

Candidate will let top aides appear at fundraisers

(Newser) - After President Obama announced this week that he'd allow top aides to speak at super PAC events, Mitt Romney is following suit. "President Obama's decision opens a new chapter in this campaign, and we will not play by different rules," said Romney's campaign manager in...

Santorum Raises $1M in 24 Hours

Billionaire Foster Friess backing pro-Rick super PAC

(Newser) - He'll probably never be able to beat Mitt Romney in a money fight, but more cash has been coming Rick Santorum's way since his surprise triple win Tuesday night. Santorum's campaign says it raised $1 million after the wins in Colorado, Minnesota, and Missouri, with $800,000...

Obama's Super PAC Scrambles for Big Donors

Fundraisers emboldened by Obama's endorsement

(Newser) - Now that President Obama has changed his tune on his super PAC , officials at Priorities USA Action have kicked into overdrive attempting to recruit deep-pocketed liberal donors who have largely been inactive since 2004. Ex-Obama aides held dozens of meetings with potential donors in LA, New York, and elsewhere yesterday,...

Now Obama Gives Blessing to Democratic Super PAC

President switches position so as not to give GOP the advantage

(Newser) - President Obama has made no secret of his distaste for super PACs , but now he's signaling that his wealthy supporters should feel free to donate to one on his behalf. In a message to supporters yesterday, campaign manager Jim Messina said Obama is now embracing the efforts of Priorities...

Gingrich Billionaire Pal's Plan B: Romney

Sheldon Adelson's focus on beating Obama, whoever wins nomination

(Newser) - Billionaire Sheldon Adelson has kept Newt Gingrich's presidential campaign afloat, giving $10 million to a pro-Gingrich super PAC , but the former speaker of the House shouldn't get too comfortable—Adelson says he will give even more generously to Mitt Romney, should Romney win the Republican nomination, reports the...

Colbert Making Supreme Court Look Stupid

Dahlia Lithwick says court is ill-equipped to deal with comedy

(Newser) - The Supreme Court has had plenty of powerful foils over the years, like Andrew Jackson and FDR, "but in the history of the Supreme Court, nothing has ever prepared the justices for the public opinion wrecking ball that is Stephen Colbert," writes Dahlia Lithwick at Slate . With his...

Mitt Still Faces Long Fight

 Mitt Still Faces Long Slog 
Primary Postgame

Mitt Still Faces Long Slog

Super PAC cash set to keep rivals going

(Newser) - Mitt Romney won huge in Florida , but this race isn't over yet. Here's what the pundits are taking away from this one:
  • Romney has a much tougher fight ahead than John McCain did at this stage in 2008, analysts tell the LA Times . The reason: super PACs.

Colbert's Super PAC Raked in Big Bucks

To the tune of more than $1M

(Newser) - Now that Stephen Colbert is no longer running for president of the United States of South Carolina, he has taken back control of his super PAC—just in time for today's deadline to file financial disclosure reports. Colbert announced last night that he would post the paperwork online at...

Republicans Love Food Network, Weather Channel

Or at least, that's where GOP ad dollars are going

(Newser) - Apparently, Republicans love watching the weather. Campaigns are becoming much more sophisticated about where they spend their ad dollars, the New York Times reports, leading to buys in such unlikely places as the Food Network, Weather Channel, HGTV, and the History Channel. Studies suggest all of those networks have pretty...

Newt: I'm Going to GOP Convention

Republican candidate will battle on if he loses Florida primary

(Newser) - With Mitt Romney leading in a Florida poll , Newt Gingrich made it clear today: “I will go all the way to the convention. I expect to win the nomination," he said. "You just had two national polls that show me ahead. Why don’t you ask Gov....

Meet the Billionaire Who Backs Newt

Sheldon Adelson gave $10M to pro-Newt Super Pac

(Newser) - Who is the multi-billionaire casino mogul backing Newt Gingrich's campaign ? Meet 78-year-old Sheldon Adelson, a very private man who supports Israel and Republican causes, the Guardian reports. Now he has boosted Gingrich in the primaries by giving $10 million to a pro-Newt super PAC. "Our motivation for...

Gingrich Super PAC Blasts Romney as Obama Pal

Meanwhile, Gingrich says marital problems make him 'more normal'

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich's super PAC is jumping into the Florida mudslinging contest, with an ad bashing Mitt Romney over his role in helping to devise mandate-based health care. The Winning Our Future PAC, riding high thanks to a $5 million donation from the wife of Vegas casino owner Sheldon Adelson,...

Brown, Warren Make Pact to Boot Super PACs

But will it work?

(Newser) - Scott Brown and Elizabeth Warren are rivals in a sure-to-be-bitterly-contested race for Ted Kennedy's old Senate seat, but they both want super PACs to stay out of it: The rivals yesterday entered into a pact discouraging outside groups from airing ads on their behalf; both Brown and Warren agreed...

Colbert Super PAC Ad Attacks... Colbert

And Samuel L. Jackson narrates

(Newser) - The Definitely Not Coordinating With Stephen Colbert Super PAC is certainly spending a lot of time and money urging people not to vote for Stephen Colbert . The latest ad released by the super PAC is an all-out attack on Colbert, an "East Coast Hollywood elite" who is "turning...

Obama Losing Super PAC War
 Obama Losing Super PAC War 

Obama Losing Super PAC War

...because he's not terribly interested in fighting it

(Newser) - Democrats saw the way Mitt Romney's super PAC destroyed Newt Gingrich in Iowa, and it terrified them, because President Obama's super PAC—or as Politico terms it, "not-so-super PAC"—doesn't have the muscle for anything like that. "It's like when China got the...

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