super PACs

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Jon Stewart Wastes PAC Dough on Mario Batali

Super PAC also funds an ad urging South Carolina to vote for ... Herman Cain

(Newser) - Maybe giving Jon Stewart control of his super PAC wasn't Stephen Colbert's brightest move. On the Daily Show last night, Stewart confessed that he wasn't sure what to do with his newfound anonymously donated cash. "I'm just out here like a cartoon hobo that won...

Scott Brown, Elizabeth Warren: Kill Super PACs

Rivals issue joint call for ceasefire on third-party cash in their race

(Newser) - Scott Brown and Elizabeth Warren agree on at least two things: They'd each like to be the junior senator from Massachusetts, and they both want outside money in the form of super PACs to stay out of their race to achieve that goal. The pair issued a joint call...

Colbert's PAC: Romney's a 'Serial Killer'

Also thinks he stands a pretty good shot at becoming pope

(Newser) - Mitt Romney is getting called a lot of names these days, but none quite so un-endearing as "serial killer." That's the latest nickname for the GOP frontrunner in an ad being run by Stephen Colbert's former Super PAC, and the comedian today went mano a mano...

Super PACs Outspend Candidates 2-1 in SC

Groups have shelled out $7M in TV ads

(Newser) - The super PACS are living up to their name in South Carolina: Heading into today, they had spent more than $7 million in the state, more than double the $3.2 million spent by the candidates themselves, reports ABC's The Note blog . The pro-Romney Restore Our Future group is...

Mitt Romney's Biggest Donors? Bain Capital

Bain-related donors have given more than $2.7M over the years

(Newser) - When Mitt Romney ran Bain Capital, his leadership made billions of dollars for the investment firm. And Bain Capital's associates have supported Romney's political ambitions in turn, giving nearly $3 million to his state and national campaigns—a sum that easily makes them Romney's largest group of...

Colbert's Super PAC Buying Ads in SC

Jon Stewart throws his newfound money around

(Newser) - Looks like newly-minted presidential candidate Stephen Colbert is going to have a mostly unregulated "independent" super PAC throwing thousands of dollars' worth of ads around on his behalf in South Carolina—just like a real candidate! Yes, the "Definitely Not Coordinating with Stephen Colbert Super PAC," now...

Chasm Opens Between Mitt and 'The Rest'

Super PAC ad this week is out for Romney blood

(Newser) - The jumble that has been the race to be the GOP nominee is finally sorting itself out—into Mitt Romney and the rest of them. Romney has been tallying 20 points more than his closest rival in recent polls, and could be unstoppable if he hangs on to that lead...

Pro-Newt PAC Seeks Revenge Against Romney

Pro-Newt Gingrich Super PAC to air 'King of Bain'

(Newser) - Looks like it's "super-PAC" payback time for Newt Gingrich. A pro-Newt super PAC is planning to air a 27-minute video in South Carolina attacking Mitt Romney as a ruthless corporate raider whose firm put thousands of Americans out of work, NBC News reports. Titled "King of Bain:...

Citizens United Takes Center Stage in Election 2012

Ruling that created super PACs having huge effect

(Newser) - The underlying theme of the GOP race this year seems to be Citizens United, observes . The Supreme Court decision that led to the creation of super PACs funded by unlimited donations is getting its first real-world test, and the results are hard to miss. Most notably: The super...

Romney's Super PAC Is Destroying Gingrich

And he can thank the Citizens United ruling

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich might well be the first big-name casualty of the Supreme Court's Citizens United ruling that rewrote the rules on campaign financing. The decision cleared the way for "super PACs" like the one backing Mitt Romney called Restore Our Future, which has poured $2.8 million so...

Gingrich Links Romney to 'European Socialists'

Pro-Gingrich PAC slams 'liberal Republican establishment'

(Newser) - As the Iowa caucuses loom, Newt Gingrich's campaign is seeking to paint Mitt Romney as a "Massachusetts moderate"—who gets his ideas from "European socialists." The Gingrich campaign has pounced on recent Romney comments in which he suggested that a European-style value added tax could...

Gingrich Lambastes Romney for PAC's 'Smear Campaign'

Mitt says he can't control 'independent' group

(Newser) - Mitt Romney was confronted yesterday over the anti-Gingrich attack ads that a pro-Romney super PAC has been pumping out, prompting him to label the whole concept of super PACs “a disaster”—and insist he couldn’t lawfully intervene. “My goodness, if we coordinate in any way whatsoever,...

Corporations Push to Influence Redistricting

 Push to Influence 
pro publica investigation

Corporations Push to Influence Redistricting

As do other special interests

(Newser) - “Minnesotans for a Fair Redistricting” may sound like a pretty innocuous, non-partisan group. But its leadership is almost identical to the Freedom Foundation of Minnesota, a group tied to Koch Industries, a ProPublica investigation discovered. The Freedom Foundation’s head, Annette Meeks, claims she has “no involvement” with...

Rick Perry Super PAC Plots $55M Blitz in Early States

Unlimited pot is funded by candidate's big-money backers

(Newser) - Rick Perry's Super PAC, funded by several of the governor's big-money backers , is planning on hitting the competition hard and fast, spending $55 million in a bid to secure Perry's nomination early in next spring's nominations process, reports MSNBC . Unencumbered by campaign financing restrictions, the theoretically...

Colbert&#39;s PAC Less Silly Than Real Ones
 Colbert's PAC 
 Less Silly Than 
 Real Ones 
Dana Milbank

Colbert's PAC Less Silly Than Real Ones

Dana Milbank on just how ridiculous campaign finance is now

(Newser) - Stephen Colbert went to some lengths to create a SuperPAC parodying the nation’s campaign-finance laws. “But there was a flaw in his plan,” writes Dana Milbank in the Washington Post : “The campaign-finance system already is a parody.” Indeed, as ridiculous as Colbert’s unlimited donations...

FEC Approves Colbert&#39;s PAC
 FEC Approves Colbert's PAC 

FEC Approves Colbert's PAC

In a move that actually scares some activists

(Newser) - The FEC today approved Stephen Colbert’s request to form a Super PAC that can accept and spend unlimited quantities of money on the 2012 elections. The hearing, alas, was “devoid of anything beyond a gentle chuckle,” with Colbert attorney Trevor Potter doing all the talking, according to...

Liberals Crank Up Heat on GOP Donors

They ask Justice Department, IRS to investigate

(Newser) - Democrats and liberal activist groups are launching a full-scale assault on the conservative groups that have been making it rain this election cycle. and nonprofits like Public Citizen and Public Campaign are asking the Justice Department and the IRS to investigate these groups and their sources of funding,...

Move Over PACs, Here Come Super PACs

New weapon allows virtually unlimited spending on campaigns

(Newser) - Expect to hear the term "Super PAC" a lot between now and the midterms. As the Washington Post explains today, these fundraising committees are quickly becoming the norm in how modern campaigns are financed by interest groups. Thanks in part to the Citizens United court ruling, Super PACs are...

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